Always On Wi Fi Services

Say goodbye to Wi-Fi Disconnection forever.
Say hello to Seamless Continuity with no Network downtime ever again.

The Problem

The Network is at the heart of all the technologies that businesses use today. Cloud-based applications, VoIP, and mobile solutions – all of them are Network-driven. So, when it goes down, it quickly transforms into an IT disaster as business stops, communication ceases, transactions grind to a halt and cash flow – or lack of it – upsets the entire applecart.

Network downtime is a Revenue stopper and an ROI nightmare. No matter how tightly you administer IT security and other aspects of your Network Management, Wi-Fi disconnection brings business to a screeching halt.

The “stop-go-stop” curse of erratic Wi-Fi service in the office – the center of your work: there’s nothing more frustrating to SMB business owners. They have no choice but to stand by helplessly. They’re unable to rectify frozen work schedules and staff sitting idle, while the company’s daily salary bill ticks up regardless – until the Wi-Fi comes on again. In short, personnel unable to work is a somewhat costly hidden overhead – especially if it’s a constant reoccurrence.

The Solution

Our “Always-connected Wi-Fi” promise ensures that your network is forever connected. Never worry about internet service interruption again. Not only that, install continuous connection together with:
Our Free Network Assessment determines your fixed monthly fee for one of two compelling options:

Optional Fully integrated 4G LTE failover and failback
Seamless Wi-Fi roaming, self-healing capabilities
Optional Fully integrated 4G LTE failover and failback
Hardened security and built-in safeguards designed to ensure maximum uptime

Don’t play with fate. Subscribe with us at an affordable fee to ensure your Wi-Fi supports your productivity, your customer satisfaction, and your peace of mind.

Subscribe for Wi-Fi Services and Save

Subscription-based Wi-Fi is the only way to go for small and medium-sized businesses. Think Netflix, think Amazon Prime: you pay a lowly monthly rate. In return, you’re a click or two away from endless entertainment options and continuously upgraded content & usability. Also, it works every time.

Focus Network Wi-Fi Service, in the same IT effortless way, gives your staff uninterrupted, secure connectivity without stress, complications, “hidden overheads,” and crazy fees.

Get Your Free Assessment

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Find out how FOCUS can help you manage your company’s network
Contact a representative to schedule your network assessment today.